Sunday 13 April 2014

Coping with Schizophrenia


Here I am going to get more serious and talk about the dark times I had in my life, coping with schizophrenia. The experiences were truly horrendous, it is nothing short of a miracle I am still here, they were just that hard! Still now, years later I am effected by my illness, although this story has a happy ending for I am 100000% better then I used to be!

In this blog I will be talking about coping with schizophrenia and ultimately beating the terrible affliction.

  • Firstly, never give up hope! It is a very dangerous thing to lose and with it you can overcome anything. Have faith that things will get better, there is light at the end of the tunnel as I am a testament to. Search on the internet for other people like me that got better and use their stories to give you more hope. You can also try this service I found, coping with schizophrenia, I'd love to know what you think if you do take the course, I bet there's loads of good advice contained within.
  • I would always tell people to stay away from drugs, they really are very dangerous and can destroy your life, even seemingly harmless ones like cannabis. I began having waking nightmares from this one, it really is deadly.
  • Exercise is another thing that can really help, it releases endorphins and makes you feel great, I go to the gym regularly because of the huge amount of well being I get afterwards. 
  • Activity in general can really help. Learn an instrument, play a game, read a book, watch a film, surf the net, anything to distract you from the problems you are facing. Give yourself 'worry time' so for an hour a day you are going to run wild with your worrys and think about them constantly, then put them away till the next day.
  • If voices are the problem then you can try talking to them, but always in a nice manner, getting angry isn't going to solve anything!
  • Write about your experiences in a journal, book form or even a blog like me, it really can help coping with schizophrenia.
I feel ready to tell about some of my experiences, such as thinking my parents were dark sorcerers or feeling like I was possessed. I had so many dark nights they are beyond counting, I believe my book should be called something like 1000 days of night, and when I say night I really mean it.

I will leave you with a quote from Winston Churchill, "Never, never, never, never give up!"

Until next time my friend.